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This is only a small partial listing of the Chiefs and Head men

By: Brenda K. Haffner-Lindley; © 2000-2025; Updated April 2015

Acoolatha / Fox --- 1795 --- Indiana

Alengua --- 1809 --- Indiana

Amacunca / Little Beaver / The Beaver --- 1795 --- Indiana

Bull --- 1803-1818 --- Principal Chief --- Southern Indiana

Ceholesehaquah / Bullet Mould --- 1820 --- Indiana

Chasahwaha / Rifle --- 1820 --- Indiana

Chekolcah / The Dipper --- 1820 --- Indiana

Christmas Dagenette/ Wisroncah --- ca.1835 -1848 --- Indiana, Went west to Kansas

Cohona --- 1809 --- Indiana

Crooked Legs / Quiquapouhquáa --- Principal Chief --- Indiana

Gotookopwoa/Go-to-kow-pah-a / He Who Stands By Himself --- 1832 --- War Chief --- Indiana, Went West to Kansas

Go To Paquah / Lone Tree --- 1820 --- Indiana

Jacco Godfroy / Tackeketah aka Jo-quo --- 1777-1854 --- Principal Chief --- Indiana

Kenokosetah / Long Body --- 1816-1820 --- Indiana

Kesanguekamya / Buffalo --- 1816 --- Indiana

Le Comte --- 1819-1827 --- Indiana

Labossiere / Assonnonqua --- 1805 --- Indiana

La Peau Blanche / White Pelt/White Skin --- 1740-1751 --- War Chief Piankeshaw --- Indiana

Lapousier / Papahonga --- 1782-1812+ --- Indiana

La Teste Blance --- Indiana

Laushepate Ta / Two Teeth --- 1820 --- Indiana

Les Grands Ongles --- 1750 --- Chief --- Indiana --- His brother was Miami Chief Le Jarret whose village name was Tepicourt or Tepiconnaud. Le Jarret was killed in 1749.

Le Vieux Sourd --- 1742 --- War Chief --- Indiana

Little Charley/Shamekunnesa / The Soldier --- 1786-1809 --- Principal Chief Eel River Wea --- Thorntown, Indiana

Little Eyes/Ohequanah / Chequia/Chequait / Washington --- 1805-1820 --- Principal Chief --- Indiana

Loon/White Loon / Macatamanguay --- 1805-1818+ --- Indiana

Meahanet / Lean Man --- 1820 --- Indiana

Mesaupeekaunga / Gamlan /Gamlin --- 1816 --- Village Chief --- Indiana

Me Tacoshia / The Frenchman --- 1820 --- Indiana

Mink / Shingonsa/Chikousah --- 1818-1820 --- Indiana

Misquaconaqua / Painted Pole --- 1805 --- Principal Chief --- Indiana, Went west with Confederated Peoria Tribe

Negro Legs / Ouewa/Mahquakouonga --- 1809-1820 --- Indiana

Pequia/Pequaih / George --- 1809-1816 --- Indiana

Shawanee --- 1809 --- Indiana

Sheshauqouquah / Swallow --- 1809 --- Eel River Wea --- Indiana

Shingarea / Diving Duck --- 1832 --- Indiana

Stone Eater / Sa-na-mah-hon-ga --- ca.1811-1819+ --- Principal War Chief --- mouth of Sugar Creek, Indiana

Swan / Wapangia / Wapou Kean --- 1815-1832 --- Principal Chief --- Southern Indiana

Teche PaLow / Shirt --- 1820 --- Indiana

Tosania --- 1809 --- Indiana

Tobacco --- 1776-1781 --- Principal Chief Piankeshaw --- Vincennes, Indiana

Tobacco’s Son --- Near Vincennes, Indiana

Thunder / Gu TaShemi Tai (some say he was Piankeshaw) --- 1820-1832 --- Indiana

Yellow Beaver / Samaquah / Ohzahmacquah --- 1820-1869 --- Principal Chief --- Indiana, Went West and is on the Rolls

The work above with much more added information, including additional chiefs, times and locations, will be contained in my upcoming “Volume-II History” book.
The Godfroy’s: Wea & Miami Indians & Their French Families; A History & Genealogy Throughout Time. Volume-II History – 2014

This is one of several pieces of my work that have recently been the victim of a plagiarist, aka a copyright infringer. Unfortunately, I was kind and generous enough to share some of my work with certain distant family members, before it was completely finished or published, who took extreme advantage of the situation and fraudulently published my material on their “new” 2004 Internet webpage. Since I have discovered that my work was published without my knowledge or permission and before it was available to the public, I have decided I might as well “also” put my own hard work, which has taken over ten (10) years of research time, on the Internet as well.

Of the below sources I have used a few in my research. Many more of my references were from historic out-of-print books or government archival documents. I wanted to present to you sources that you could easily reach and study, and what better way than the Internet itself. It is our hope that you will not only learn of our Ancestors’ time and their culture, but eventually come to know and love our People the Waayaahtanwa (Wea).


© 2000-2025
For information on Copyrights & Infringement SEE:
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Wea Indian Tribe

NOTE: All pages that depict the WIT Seal have been donated to the WIT and are the official website of WIT.

Owner, Webmasters & Editors: Brenda Haffner-Lindley & Lori Budash.

Wa-pa-je-a (The Swan) - George Catlin Portraits

Letters & Notes of George Catlin

Illinois Society Neighbors – Gotokowpah

Indiana DNR - Historical Marker Dedication – Wea Chief Jacco Godfroy

Indiana Historical Bureau – Wea Christmas Dagenette

Henry Hamilton's Journal -Quiquapouhquáa or Crooked Legs

OUIATANON DOCUMENTS; By Frances Krauslcopf

TREATY WITH THE WEA AND KICKAPOO, 1816 – Jacco Godfroy, Kenokosetah or Long Body, Kesanguekamya or Buffalo & Chequiha or Little Eyes

Anthropological Report Docket No. 317 - 1

Anthropological Report Docket No. 317 - 2

TREATIES 1661-1809 - Assonnonquah or Labossiere, Misquaconaqua or Painted Pole, Ohequanah or Little Eyes, Mauna or Little Beaver & Acoolatha or Little Fox

VOL. XVII, The French Regime in Wisconsin— II, 1727-1748; By Reuben Gold Thwaites

William H. Harrison Papers 1791 - 1864 on Wea Indians

Messages & Letters of William H. Harrison on Wea Indians

The French in Indiana 1700-1760: A Political History

AGREEMENT WITH THE PIANKESHAW, 1818 Macatamangua, or Loon, Little Eyes or Washington & Chehommia or Big River

Anthropological Report on the Piankashaw Indians - A Wea Band

The Memoirs of Rufus Putnam - 1

The Memoirs of Rufus Putnam - 2

Son of Tabac - Tobacco’s Son

History of the State of Kansas - Yellow Beaver